Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) EloTrain Course
Over the course of the last few years, the computing power of electronic systems has grown at an exponential rate, while the circuitry has been getting smaller and smaller. As a result of such developments, it is now possible to provide even more complex and demanding technical functionality in an easily portable housing. The beginning of this “technical revolution” was marked by the introduction of standard components. However, since they were only able to provide a limited number of functions, it was necessary to connect multiple components together to accomplish more complex tasks. PLDs (programmable logic devices) are the solution to this problem, in particular field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). With the aid of such logic circuits, it is now possible to implement highly complex functionality with a minimum of wiring.
This course includes two programming languages:

VHDL Programming:
- Introduction to programmable logic
- Design of an FPGA
- How an FPGA works
- Design flow using VHDL
- Familiarisation with Lattice IDE
- Comprehensive information about the Lattice XP2 family
- Creating your own circuit designs
- Configuring an FPGA
VERILOG Programming:
- Initial steps with IDE QUARTUS II
- Logic operations
- RS-Trigger
- Binary counter
Product: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) EloTrain Course
Product Code: SO4206-9E